Tuesday, 25 June 2019


Barabbas, the insurrectionist, mass murderer, terrorist, abductionist and assailant, yet they loved, desired, and routed for him. He stole from them, killed and ruined their lives, yet they craved for him – Matthew 27: 17, 20 – 21.

Now, a greater than Barabbas, who is not just a malefactor, but aptly described as a murderer from the beginning, the most wicked one, who abode not in the truth, a great liar and the father of all liars, yet they follow after his devious ways – John 8: 44. He turned the earth into a wilderness and destroyed the cities thereof, and mercilessly incarcerated all his captives and opened not the door of his prisoners, yet they dutifully serve him – Isaiah 14: 17.

A worse than Barabbas! The crooked old serpent, beguiling and deceiving every and all things in his way. Even now trying so hard to make you his latest target and newest victim, yet you devotedly desire him. He daily and in company of his demonic cohorts afflict people with diverse infirmities, miseries, frustration, strange and untold sufferings, yet they follow his pernicious ways. – 1Peter 2: 2

A roaring lion, in the full time business of walking through and fro the earth, and seeking whom to devour physically, spiritually and eternally, yet they pensively permit him – 1Peter 5: 8.

He runs a bandit of demonic principalities and powers and of the rulers of darkness of this world, and of the spiritual wickedness in high places, yet they keep unwholesome and occultic company with him – Eph. 6: 4.
Unrepentant, irredeemable and far fiery than any Barabbas of this world; relentlessly and totally seeking your everlasting woe and eternal ruin, yet they recklessly cleave to him. John 10: 10

His eternal destiny is set, sealed and settled in the fiery lake of fire and brimstone, and your divine destiny arrayed in the heavenly mansions and gold-plated streets of glamour. His only pre-occupation is to pull you down with him to everlasting condemnation and eternal destruction, yet you are permissibly indulging him – 2Thess. 2: 7.

Oh, how long will this perverse world keep following Barabbas the deceiver, murderer, and the arch-enemy of humanity? How long will they continue to carelessly relish the unfruitful work of darkness to the damnation of their soul?What a gory choice of a Barabbas in place of the Saviour? The destroyer in lieu of the Redeemer? And the murderer instead of the Prince of Life?Acts 5: 30; 10: 39.

Jesus died for you. At age 33 He was condemned to death by crucifixion, the worst kind of death, only for the worst criminals. Worst still, Jesus was to be nailed to the cross by His hands and feet. Each crooked nail, between 6 – 8 inches long, was driven through His body, breaking His tendon so that He could not breathe freely. Imagine the struggle, the pains, suffering, and distress Jesus endured for over three hours hanging on that rugged cross. He bled every drop of three-and-half litres of blood in His body, and when no blood was left, Jesus poured out water from His wounded sides.

Imagine, if you can, a large, rough hammer driving large nails through His hands, feet and arches. Then a relentless Roman guard piercing His side with a spear. But before the nails and spear, Jesus was whipped and beaten; whipping so severely that His flesh was torn off his body. The beating so horrific that His face and beard was ripped off. There was also a crown of thorns plaited and forced to His head, and cutting deep into his scalp.

What about the humiliation of carrying a heavy cross for about two kilometres, while the crowd spat in his face, mocked, jailed, cursed and threw stones at Him.How about Herod and his soldiers' melodrama of mocking, slapping, and whipping Jesus, and seeking Jesus to prophesy to them who actually gave each slap on Him? They stripped the King of Glory, and before His eyes cast lots who should have His clothing.Without any known guilt, yet condemned to death. Rejected, afflicted, chastised, and bruised by all – Isaiah 53.

Oh, sinless Jesus condemned to death in preference of the freedom of the dreaded murderous Barabbas, for your salvation. They rejected Jesus who healed their sick, fed their hungry multitude and raised their dead, and routed for a human Barabbas, who stole, killed and maimed them. Now, are you also continuing the rejection saga of over two thousand years ago, of the Saviour and Redeemer of your souls, in preference of a crooked, vile and more deadly Barabbas, the arch-enemy of your soul?

Despite Jesus' suffering to salvage your soul, you are now willingly and voluntarily sabotaging Christ's sacrifice for your redemption, and now sealing your eternal destiny with the devil, the greatest Barabbas of all time?

The question is:
i.    Have you made the ugliest choice with the profane and/or surrender your hope of eternal bliss for Barabbas?
ii.    Have you made the grievous choice of living by dishonest means, and sustaining your livelihood by deceit of the Barabbas of all time?
iii.    Have you made the unwholesome choice of preferring instant pleasures above spiritual gains, and turning your back on God for the transient pleasures of sin offered by the greatest Barabbas?
iv.    Have you made the self-destructive choice of lust, adultery, homosexuality, fornication, defilement, invention of evil, and all forms of uncleanness in keeping with the dictates of the Barabbas?
v.    Have you made the worst choice of refusing to accept Jesus to the salvation of your soul in keeping with the worst Barabbas agenda?
vi.    Have you made a terrible choice of reversing your conviction to serve God, and have gone back to the world in preference of Barabbas?
vii.    Have you made the gory choice of jettisoning the world of God, prayer, fasting and witnessing to the satisfaction of the grievous Barabbas of all time?
viii.    Have you made the gloomy choice to be beyond redemption and a joint faith sharer with Satan, the greatest Barabbas in hell?

The needless choice of the meanest Barabbas, leading to inexplicable waste of human souls is unfortunate, as everything needed to save humanity from damnation and the impending doom of hell has been completed and finished. And Christ Himself ushering us into redemption and eternal bliss stated “it is finished”. John 19: 30

Therefore, if as we speak, you are still living and maintaining a godless lifestyle, basking in the euphoria of sin and the exuberance of ungodliness, you are simply enlisting for the Barabbas of our time; making yourself a part of his damning crowd.

If, as we speak, you have not made and retained Christ Jesus as your Saviour and the Lord of your life, you are simply continuing the old choice of Barabbas of two thousand years ago; and have therefore unlawfully included yourself in the frightening list of perishing souls.

If, as we speak, you have allowed sin to remain and fester in your life, despite God's offer of salvation, Christ's sacrifice for your redemption, and the repeated warnings of God's word to you, certainly you have cleaved yourself to Satan the Devil, the greatest Barabbas of all eternity. Thereby, putting yourself in danger of everlasting woes and eternal misery in hell with him.


 Lady Potiphar, you will recall, is seduction sustained; while Misses Potiphar, you will discover, is seduction redefined. This is more so, as a startling discovery by some social researchers reveal that men spend at least a minimum of one full year of their entire adult life staring either innocently or amorously at the faces, looks, dressing, physique, cleavages and contours of women or the opposite sex. 

This volume of time attributable to this physical stare is comparatively nothing to the amount of time thoughtfully spent in harboring, processing and the execution of these lustful ogles. Neither is it anything in comparison to the volume of time the womenfolk spend to conjecture, programme, arrange, and work-out to beautify their bodies, to wit: face, chins, lips, hairs, eye lids/lashes, nails, shape, outfit and /or apparels in all manner of correlations, and in tune with the fancies of our time. 

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Little wonder the upsurge of satanic-induced indecent display and sampling of sensitive shapes and delicate body parts by the contemporary ladies / misses Portiphars of our time, competing to take their fair share of our men's end-time lustful stare projects. 

Misses Portiphars, you will further learn, is loosely referred to as the “newest seducers and latest enticers of our time”. Though all they wanted is to be different, unique, special and smarter than needful.There is therefore no gainsaying the fact that every verbal and all-inclusive non-verbal sexual allurement and articulated invitation is seduction. This includes any exposure that invites, provokes and instigates impure, immoral and lustful thoughts on others. Misses and Ladies Portiphars of our time are champions of structural adjustment of breasts, buttocks, hips, and other sensitive body parts to suit their fancies; and they are simply ready to go! 

Most time, the allurement to lewdness and glare of seduction are presented in a seemingly innocuous life-flaring and mouth-watering packages which often conceals the real ungodly motives behind them. Seductive inclination may present a prospect of being a “Miss Star”, “Baby Earth”, “Lady Moon”, “Queen Planet”, “Princess Universe”, and “Miss World”.Seduction has been enlisted by the contemporary world as a way of life, competitive trade, profession, vocations, and other life endeavours. 

It has become a key player and powerful tool for music, advertisement, sports, entertainment, sundry business promotions and modeling. It has also acquired the imputations of celebrity, success, and self-attainment, and the measurement thereof now a function of how seductively attired, and / or insensitively exposed the acclaimed celeb / star is. However, the fundamentalquestion is: 

i. Have you been enlisted as an agent of a demonic vehicle for the dissemination and spreading of lewdness around the world, without knowing or adverting your mind to it by simply being trendy, casual, or sometimes carelessly seductive? 

ii. Have you unwittingly endorsed for Seduction-assisted programmes which are designed to ungodly break the bands of freedom, provoke undue sexual publicity and / or attention to the prowling hands of lustful men by wanton exposure of privacy, and in keeping with satanic agenda of mass hell population? 

iii. Is your nudity marketable? iv. Hasit become the populations' interest? v. Has unwholesome exposure become your way of life? vi. Is indecency nowyour secret door to pleasure? 

vii. Has the stench of your licentious sampling disrupted the serenity of thedivine atmosphere? 
viii. Are you now a catalyst fueling in others no meaningful and gainful thought other than illicit sex and amorous thoughts? 
ix. Have self and instant pleasure taken the top priority over your life? Then, you are gradually drifting to the domains and heels of Ladiesand MissesPortiphars of this generation, and on the same page and platform with the Sodomites, lady Portiphar and Jezebel of the ancient. Jude 1: 7; Gen. 39: 7, 10, 12; and 2Kings 9: 30; Rev. 2: 20. Misses and Ladies Portiphars, the newest seducers of our time, can convince a man to kill himself, abandon wife, children and family for no reason. Can brainwash people to desert homes, destinies, and reasoning to their ruin. The newest seducers can convict their victims that inappropriate sexual relationship with self, animals,and inanimate objects is the best way to go. Both ladies and misses Portiphars carry on their businesses in the style of full or semi nudity; display of contours, structural adjustment of breasts, hips and buttocks, tattooing and inscription of lust symbols, twirling and tweaking, mincing and suggestive steps, tinkling feet, alluring body languages, rolling and wanton eyes – Isaiah 6: 16 – 18. The pervasive enterprise of Ladies and Misses Portiphars of our time has crept into every fabric of human lives and endeavors, to wit: a. The families – Genesis 39: 7, 10, and 12. – And it came to pass, after these things, that his Master's wife cast her eyes upon Joseph, and she said: “Lie with me”. And it came to pass, as she spake to Joseph day by day, that he hearken not unto her to lie by her or be with her, and she caught him by his garment, saying, “Lie with me”, and he left his garment in her hand and fled. b. Churches and other religious centers. Revelation 2: 20 – Notwithstanding, I have few things against you, because thou suffereth that woman, Jezebel, who calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servant to commit fornication and eat things sacrificed unto idols. 1Timothy 4: 1 – Now, the Spirit speaketh expressively that in the later times, some shall depart from the faith, given heeds to seducing spirits and doctrines of Devils, speaking lies with hypocrisy, having their conscience seared with hot iron. c. Offices, Business and Corporate organizations. Revelation 18: 3 – For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies. d. Streets, Schools, and Neighbourhood. Isaiah 3: 16, 18 – Moreover, said the Lord, because the daughters of Zion are haughty and walk with stretched forth neck and wanton eyes, walking and mincing as they go, and making a tinkling with feet. In that day, the Lord will take away the bravery of their tinkling ornament about their feet and the cauls and their round tires like the moon. 

The chains and the bracelets and the mufflers, the bonnets and the ornaments of the legs, and their headbands and the tablets and earrings, the rings and nose-jewels. I entreat you to give heed to the sound and immutable warnings of the Scripture, from John the Apostle of old, in 1John 2: 26, saying: “These things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you.For many deceivers have entered into the world. For this reason, also, Apostle Paul, in Romans 12: 1 – 2 stated thus: “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable, unto God, which is your reasonable service. 

And do not conform to this world; but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, that you may prove that good, acceptable and perfect will of God. Similarly, in 1John 2: 15 – 17, the Scripture says: “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away and the lust thereof, but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever. Therefore, fear God and keep His commandment; for this is the whole duty of man. God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing: whether it be good or whether it be evil. Ecclesiastes 12: 13, 14.

Monday, 18 March 2019


Peeping high into ones expectations with keen desire to make it and to establish it after all makes possible great achievements. If positive thinking is employ in this direction the result is always good products as regards seen far from sight of the adventurer. Step into you future in thoughts and get greatness in return. Your good dream techniques for helps one actualize greatness. Having deep consideration on things that are involved in effective improvement without the applying academic might for good performance. Many athletes renowned have used visualization to help them gain the expected result of the adventure. Consideration should be giving to the following: 

1) Outcome visualization 
2) process visualization Outcome visualization: This simply means process of visualizing yourself, and achieving your desired goal. This visualization should be as detailed as possible and should use all of your senses: imagine who is there with you as you achieve your goal, what it smells and sounds like, what you’re wearing, where you are. You could even draw a picture or create a detailed “vision board” to help you create this mental visualization. 

Process visualization: This involves imagining all the steps you need to take in order to achieve your goal. Think about each action you will take leading up to accomplishing your goal of greatness. For example, if your goal is “classroom teacher,” you dig deep in thought finding ways and steps you could achieve desired result for the establishment consider what you need to do at each step: 

The best approach to the student friendliness and assimilation of the teachings as you practice what best you can do. Again another thing the employ is the use of positive action as alternative to gain your aim. While positive visualization is very effective, it must be coupled with positive action. 

You have to actively work towards the goals you have set, rather than simply enjoy the thought of achieving them. This is where process visualization pays off: once you have envisioned each step you need to take to achieve a goal, it will be easier to actually take those steps. If you're looking to be a great paragraphics, for instance, write every single day, even if only for a paragraph. Join a local writers’ group, take some writing classes at a community center, enter contests and get your writing out there for other people to see. Ask all of your friends for feedback. 

And, as world-famous writer Stephen King reminds us, stay positive even when it’s hard: “Stopping a piece of work just because it’s hard, either emotionally or imaginatively, is a bad idea.” If you want to be a great philanthropist, start small. If you don't have much money, donate your time to a food bank or local charitable organization. Teach language classes or tutor under-privileged children. 

It doesn't have to be a grand sweeping gesture of eliminating hunger worldwide. Making a difference in just one person’s life tends to start a positive domino effect. Greatness will come when these are put to practice.