Monday, 18 March 2019


Peeping high into ones expectations with keen desire to make it and to establish it after all makes possible great achievements. If positive thinking is employ in this direction the result is always good products as regards seen far from sight of the adventurer. Step into you future in thoughts and get greatness in return. Your good dream techniques for helps one actualize greatness. Having deep consideration on things that are involved in effective improvement without the applying academic might for good performance. Many athletes renowned have used visualization to help them gain the expected result of the adventure. Consideration should be giving to the following: 

1) Outcome visualization 
2) process visualization Outcome visualization: This simply means process of visualizing yourself, and achieving your desired goal. This visualization should be as detailed as possible and should use all of your senses: imagine who is there with you as you achieve your goal, what it smells and sounds like, what you’re wearing, where you are. You could even draw a picture or create a detailed “vision board” to help you create this mental visualization. 

Process visualization: This involves imagining all the steps you need to take in order to achieve your goal. Think about each action you will take leading up to accomplishing your goal of greatness. For example, if your goal is “classroom teacher,” you dig deep in thought finding ways and steps you could achieve desired result for the establishment consider what you need to do at each step: 

The best approach to the student friendliness and assimilation of the teachings as you practice what best you can do. Again another thing the employ is the use of positive action as alternative to gain your aim. While positive visualization is very effective, it must be coupled with positive action. 

You have to actively work towards the goals you have set, rather than simply enjoy the thought of achieving them. This is where process visualization pays off: once you have envisioned each step you need to take to achieve a goal, it will be easier to actually take those steps. If you're looking to be a great paragraphics, for instance, write every single day, even if only for a paragraph. Join a local writers’ group, take some writing classes at a community center, enter contests and get your writing out there for other people to see. Ask all of your friends for feedback. 

And, as world-famous writer Stephen King reminds us, stay positive even when it’s hard: “Stopping a piece of work just because it’s hard, either emotionally or imaginatively, is a bad idea.” If you want to be a great philanthropist, start small. If you don't have much money, donate your time to a food bank or local charitable organization. Teach language classes or tutor under-privileged children. 

It doesn't have to be a grand sweeping gesture of eliminating hunger worldwide. Making a difference in just one person’s life tends to start a positive domino effect. Greatness will come when these are put to practice.

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