Tuesday, 3 May 2022


The instituted authorities of government - legislative, executive and judiciary; are useful agents of morality with regards to their constituted authority. The government uses these organs as agencies of articulation, teaching and enforcement of morality in the society. The legislature makes laws on behalf of the government in order to ensure their ordinances governing a given society. The executive arm of government in form of the Police Force, government ministries, etc. is used to implement and enforce the laws made by the legislature. The judiciary as an organ of government is enshrined with the constitutional authority to interpret the laws made by the legislature and the executive then brings defaulters of the law before the judiciary for necessary disciplinary actions to be taken on them through the law court. All these organs of instituted constitutional authority work in collaboration to ensure the society over which they preside is organized and its citizens are morally upright by obeying the laws of that nation. google.com, pub-7820813838927254, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MAINTAINING MORAL STANDARDS IN THESOCIETY Apriori as a divine agent of intelligence, teaches an individual by intuition. The home & family is the citadel and cradle of basic education. The kindred where one hails from and the elders of the society ensure that law and order are maintained at the village/local level. Traditional institutions like the Age Grades, Married Daughters, Masquerades, etc; enforce morality and ensures a socially upright society in specific traditional ways. The schools from basic to tertiary levels teach and inculcate moral values through formal education to the younger generation. Religious institutions like the churches and mosques, alongside other spiritual bodies teach and preach morality; by living out exemplary lives and melting out appropriate sanctions on disobedient followers of the various movements. The government as an agent of morality through its numerous agencies of public administration; such as: the law courts, police force, government ministries, armed forces, etc. articulate, teach and enforce morality in the society.

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