Friday, 14 July 2017

If in tender age and one’s parents go beyond for a permanent sleep or rest with Lord, quite painful and challenging envisage the person all through. That reminds me of what happened so many years ago to a friend and neighbour at a time when the parents had a fatal accident and died instantly, while coming to Omoku from Port Harcourt. They became Orphans to many who cared for an arms-length to them. Six other siblings followed him as Michael Ordu wallowed in bitterness, thinking, and agony all the time, of a truth, they went through hell. in terms of feeding, other mean of upkeep and parental protection.

The pains of demise come in different forms as indeed grieve in accordance with different persons, thoughts and level of maturity.  The way of expressing sorrow can never be the same with others since death does not ring bell before it happens to one. Bear this in mind that one should never in anything unduly express your sorrow and grieve even continually.

To your shock, such pain as this can be dangerous to the bereaved. Michael, mentioned that he in order to console his little siblings, he kept quite forgetting about cry so as to stop theirs as that could lessen their emotions. As it stands, Michael continued in his effort to suppress painful feelings, and that’s not healthy.”

Medical advice suggested that feelings denied or concealed won’t remain till eternity, according to Queens' Health Magazine, else there would be complication in health of the bereaved. “They will return when you least expect in the form of emotional flare-ups or physical ailments.” Effort to suppress agony as it relates to death a closed relative also leads to alcoholism or drugs abuse, all done in an effort to comb the pain.

Languishing in pain of the sort, goes with confusion emotionally. Some people feel anger at the person who died, feeling that the person abandoned them and the thought that they will never see again. A lot as God why for the occurrence, instead of preventing the occurrence. Many who grieve feel guilt for things they did or said to the person, since there is now no way to make amends.

In fact, grieving can be a complex process. How can you get relief and be helped to move forward?


You should try to talk to some one and they rather talk to themselves. You might be inclined to isolate yourself during this difficult time. But pouring out your feelings to a family member or a friend will help you deal with your emotions and keep this tragedy from overwhelming you.

Keep a journal. Write about the parent you lost. For example, what is your most cherished memory of that person? Write about his or her commendable qualities. Which ones would you like to imitate in your life?

Any one who is surrendered with negative thoughts, definitely forwards the pain and agony of the demise. Some thoughts could wrong things you have done to such dead soul. You kept regretting of them all. Suggestively, if one cannot stop thinking about some harsh word he said before he or she passed away, rite down what you feel and why. Some had argument with the fellow before he or she died. Sometimes is a if they killed the person. thereby feeling guilty.

Next, challenge the reasonableness of your guilt. You cannot blame yourself for not knowing that there would never be an opportunity to apologize, so you may think. To suggest that one must never say or do anything that might call for a future apology is simply not realistic.

Take life easy and also good care of yourself. Make sure you rest as well, exercise yourself, and get proper nutrition. If you do not feel like eating, have a number of healthful snacks throughout the day instead of full meals, at least until your appetite returns to normal. Do not soothe your grief with junk food or alcohol; they will only make things worse.

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