Sunday, 16 July 2017

HUMAN PARTS - GREAT EMBODIMENT, pub-7820813838927254, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 The human body systems are so unique and outstandingly very versatile in sensitivity as such cannot be overemphasized. Special parts like the: Eye, Ear, the Brain, Hand among others are parts that we cannot do without. They actually have distinguished great functions that one could not imagine. 

Animal part does not have half sensitivity to what is found in human ability. We so much stand erect posing a go stand resulting to a greater versatility, which not only expands the horizon of our vision  but in addition make us have free arms and hands for a lot of things to be used for various activities. One keep imagining what it would have been if human beings came without hand, meaning that all our doing would have being short to a hurt.

We should also consider our high intellectual, thinking of how sophisticated sensory system are embedded, of which I will focus on. The following are the parts that human would have do without viz: the ears, the eyes, hands and also our sensitive class of brain.

A beautifully created great shape working as an instrument for a lot jobs for a general human activities. We carry out much things with our gifted hands considering also the sensitive found feel of touch and others. A touch tells one the nature of the object even in the dark; whether snake, ant , foil, paper, skin, metal, water, or wood and or hairlike objects. Factually, our hands works more like instruments as we hold thing and also act with them.

The reason we have so sensitive part called hand is:

1. The total bones found in the both hand is calculated to be upto 50 bones. This is to say that if all the bone of the body are put together, it is 1/4 of them, and at that they are so flexible.

2. The hands are controlled by two powerful sets called: 1) the extensors (2) the flexors. These ensures the operation of the arms and that of the fingers through sensor called tendons. How bulky and unwieldy the hand would be if these muscles were located in it! The third set, much smaller, which does lie within the hand, gives the fingers precision of movement.

3. This part of human body has opposable thumb mounted on a saddle joint, an ingenious configuration of two saddle-shaped surfaces at right angles to each other. This joint, along with the associated muscles and other tissues, gives the thumb amazing flexibility and strength.4. Your fingers are, in effect, living sensors, the fingertips having about 2,500 receptors in just one sixth of a square inch (1 sq cm). Moreover, the receptors are varied, each kind having its own function, enabling you to feel texture, temperature, wetness, vibration, pressure, and pain. As a result, the human finger is the most sensitive touch sensor known.

Consider also that human’s ears and brain is a strong and formidable one. Our hearing enables us to determine loudness, pitch, and tone and to approximate the direction and distance of a sound source. The frequency range of a healthy human ear is roughly 20 to 20,000 hertz, or cycles of sound oscillation per second. The most sensitive region is in the 1,000 to 5,000 hertz range. Moreover, we may be able to detect a change of just one hertz from, say, 440 hertz to 441 hertz.

Factually, a healthy ear is so sensitive that it can detect sounds when the vibration, or to-and-fro movement, of the air at the eardrum is less than the diameter of an atom!
According to a university course on hearing, “the human hearing system is close to the theoretical physical limits of sensitivity. . . . There would be little point in being much more sensitive to sound, as all we would hear would be a ‘hiss,’” the result of the random movement of the atoms and molecules that make up the air.

Eardrum vibrations are amplified mechanically by lever action and are transferred to the inner ear by means of the ossicles, tiny bones known as the hammer, the anvil, and the stapes. But what if your ears are suddenly struck by a deafening sound? In that event, they have a built-in protective mechanism in the form of muscle action that adjusts the ossicles to reduce the force of the sound. However, the ears are not equipped to deal with prolonged loud noise. Such exposure can permanently damage the hearing. So take good care of this “wonderfully made” gift from your Creator.

The work of an auditory system is to ensure that your body to detect sounds sources. The secret lies in a number of factors, including the shell-like shape of the outer ear, its grooves, the separation of the two ears, and some computational brilliance on the part of your brain. Thus, if the intensity of a sound fades just slightly from ear to ear or if the sound reaches one ear just 30 millionths of a second before it reaches the other, your brain will promptly point your eyes toward the sound source.

Imagine if you had to make all those computations consciously! To be sure, you would have to know how to use very advanced mathematics—and with lightning speed! If an engineer were to design a “hearing” system that came even remotely close to the one your Creator gave you, he would receive many accolades. Yet, how often do you hear people give due credit to God for his awesome works?

It is estimated that people who can see well gain approximately 80 percent of their information about the world through their eyes. In combination with our brain, our eyes enable us to see in full color, to track moving objects and images smoothly, to recognize patterns and shapes, and to see in three dimensions. Furthermore, we can see in varying degrees of light.

The latter involves a number of complementary mechanisms. For example, the pupil can expand from 0.06 inch to 0.3 inch (1.5 mm to 8 mm) in diameter, resulting in a possible 30-fold increase in the amount of light entering the eye. The light then passes through the lens, which focuses it onto the retina, concentrating the light energy by a factor of 100,000 times. So never look directly at the sun with the naked eye!

The retina, in turn, houses two types of photoreceptors, cones (approximately 6 million), which give us color vision and high resolution, and rods (120-140 million), which are more than a thousand times as sensitive as the cones and help us to see in dim light. Indeed, under optimal conditions, a rod can detect a single photon, or elementary particle of light!

Another adaptive mechanism involves retinal neurons linked to the cones and rods. These neurons adapt “in seconds and can improve night vision by a factor of 10 or more,” says the American Optometric Association. “Neural adaptation is rather like having low-speed and high-speed film simultaneously available in your camera.”

Engineers often design cameras, scanners, and computers, along with compatible software. But the degree of integration and the level of sophistication attained are vastly inferior to those of our sensory system. Ask yourself, ‘Is it reasonable to attribute our vastly superior living sensory system to blind chance, as evolutionists do?’ An ancient servant of God named Job knew little about the human body compared with what we know today. Even so, he felt impelled to say to God: “Your own hands have shaped me.”

The efficacies in functionality of brain baffle human. The brain decodes the streams of signals pouring in through the nerves from the sense organs. Moreover, it links these signals with details stored in its memory. Thus, a certain smell may immediately trigger the brain to retrieve a long-forgotten experience or event. And if you see just a small part of something familiar, the tip of your cat’s tail, for example, your brain will fill in the missing details so that you know your cat is nearby.

/>Emphatically your brain was not preprogrammed with images of cats, just as it was not preprogrammed with the smell of a rose or the sound of running water or the feel of fur. Your brain learned these associations. The experiences of people who were born blind but have been given the ability to see, perhaps through surgery, make this evident. Their brain had to learn to interpret the flood of visual signals now flowing to it. How do such people fare?

They soon report the ability to detect color, motion, and simple forms. But after that, progress varies. Children, especially the very young, continue to learn quite well. But that is not the case with adults. Even their ability to recognize faces remains highly impaired. And, tragically, a common feature with “cured” adults “is initial euphoria followed by disappointment and disorientation with the restored vision, often leading to severe depression,” says the Koch Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology.

In the following article, we will examine some of our inner qualities, including courage and love. Have you wondered why humans alone have the potential to display such qualities? To be sure, the existence of such uniquely human traits has presented a major obstacle to people who wish to prove that we are merely highly evolved animals.

How does your brain feel, hear, see, and smell? Scientists are baffled. “There is no hint in your brain as to how you see the words you are now reading,” said scientist Gerald L. Schroeder.

He also wrote: “Revelation of the previously unimagined intricate workings of the brain has challenged the simplistic theory of life’s random evolution.” He continued: “Had Darwin known of the wisdom hidden within life, I have confidence that he would have proposed a very different theory.”

Saturday, 15 July 2017


It most times cause me hotness of body while watching acrobatic display. High risked enjoyments that thrills peoples imaginations as render applauds to the displayer in fear.

One day standing close a railway, a speedy train made my mind skip even when I found it interest, as the breeze almost pulled off my shirt which took me seconds to gather myself after it passed.

A day came when I decided to exorcize myselve a little though swimming in a river, so I went to my Village river, in attempt to test my swimming capability, I swam forward and deep into the river to get some quantities of sharp sand from the dept of the river, at first it was easy going and sweet, only to encounter difficulties on getting out of the river basin.

Diving into water from dangerously high cliffs,  can also free one’s heart a little of thoughts and stress effects for a few seconds. Usually I enjoyed it, but sometimes I was scared.

It should be noted that many young people get a excited by testing their skill limits​ sometimes in very risky ways. Are you tempted to join in? If so, this article can help you.

This enjoyment could also be addicted that at the end one could endlessly sick for an end. It might give you a short-term high but leave you craving greater excitement. Marco, who like Leon went into train tunnels, says: “It was a vicious circle. I was happy for a moment. But then I needed yet another thrill.”

The thrill one gets made many want to do it again this just to impress people to admire me, but at the end one is found in a hospital’s bed.

The influence of play mates could lure one to adventure into some silly joke ignoring ones common sense. My friend testified when it was tough and dreadful, at a time my brother could not come down from the tree he climbed, he exclaimed;  “My friends pressured me to free-climb a tall building, saying: ‘Go on. You can do it.’ I felt very insecure. I was trembling as I pulled myself up the wall.” When confronted he said, I just did what everybody else did.”

The Internet too is used by some to create a form of peer pressure by praising thrill-seekers and downplaying the risks. In fact, some dares posted on social media go viral, giving thrill-seekers recognition and attention.

For example, some popular videos depict parkour​, an activity that involves traversing obstacles (such as walls, houses, and stairs) by running, climbing, or jumping rapidly and efficiently without any safety equipment. The follow could endlessly come up (1) The risks are minimal. (2) Everyone is doing it. The result: You may  be tempted to try out activities that involve life-threatening risks.

Their should be carefulness all the time. Choose friends who show respect for life. True friends will not encourage you to take risks or try to talk you into doing something you feel regret about. “Good companions make one to make better choices about activities I wanted to participate in. When my friends changed, so did my life.”​

Ask yourself, ‘Does this activity amount to little more than a gamble with death or serious injury?’

Enjoy your skills without risking your life. Part of growing up is “learning how to establish one’s own principles and boundaries,” says the book Adolescent Risk Behaviors. You can test your limits in a safe environment, using appropriate safety equipment and precautions.

Always endeavour to build genuine self-respect. People will respect you for how skillfully you master real-life challenges, not for what you dare to do for a thrill.  “My river experience was just a was just enough lesson  in my life that was full of self-destructive behavior. It would have been better if I had learned to say no.

At the end remember that recreation should not be deadly but a total enjoyment.​

Friday, 14 July 2017

If in tender age and one’s parents go beyond for a permanent sleep or rest with Lord, quite painful and challenging envisage the person all through. That reminds me of what happened so many years ago to a friend and neighbour at a time when the parents had a fatal accident and died instantly, while coming to Omoku from Port Harcourt. They became Orphans to many who cared for an arms-length to them. Six other siblings followed him as Michael Ordu wallowed in bitterness, thinking, and agony all the time, of a truth, they went through hell. in terms of feeding, other mean of upkeep and parental protection.

The pains of demise come in different forms as indeed grieve in accordance with different persons, thoughts and level of maturity.  The way of expressing sorrow can never be the same with others since death does not ring bell before it happens to one. Bear this in mind that one should never in anything unduly express your sorrow and grieve even continually.

To your shock, such pain as this can be dangerous to the bereaved. Michael, mentioned that he in order to console his little siblings, he kept quite forgetting about cry so as to stop theirs as that could lessen their emotions. As it stands, Michael continued in his effort to suppress painful feelings, and that’s not healthy.”

Medical advice suggested that feelings denied or concealed won’t remain till eternity, according to Queens' Health Magazine, else there would be complication in health of the bereaved. “They will return when you least expect in the form of emotional flare-ups or physical ailments.” Effort to suppress agony as it relates to death a closed relative also leads to alcoholism or drugs abuse, all done in an effort to comb the pain.

Languishing in pain of the sort, goes with confusion emotionally. Some people feel anger at the person who died, feeling that the person abandoned them and the thought that they will never see again. A lot as God why for the occurrence, instead of preventing the occurrence. Many who grieve feel guilt for things they did or said to the person, since there is now no way to make amends.

In fact, grieving can be a complex process. How can you get relief and be helped to move forward?


You should try to talk to some one and they rather talk to themselves. You might be inclined to isolate yourself during this difficult time. But pouring out your feelings to a family member or a friend will help you deal with your emotions and keep this tragedy from overwhelming you.

Keep a journal. Write about the parent you lost. For example, what is your most cherished memory of that person? Write about his or her commendable qualities. Which ones would you like to imitate in your life?

Any one who is surrendered with negative thoughts, definitely forwards the pain and agony of the demise. Some thoughts could wrong things you have done to such dead soul. You kept regretting of them all. Suggestively, if one cannot stop thinking about some harsh word he said before he or she passed away, rite down what you feel and why. Some had argument with the fellow before he or she died. Sometimes is a if they killed the person. thereby feeling guilty.

Next, challenge the reasonableness of your guilt. You cannot blame yourself for not knowing that there would never be an opportunity to apologize, so you may think. To suggest that one must never say or do anything that might call for a future apology is simply not realistic.

Take life easy and also good care of yourself. Make sure you rest as well, exercise yourself, and get proper nutrition. If you do not feel like eating, have a number of healthful snacks throughout the day instead of full meals, at least until your appetite returns to normal. Do not soothe your grief with junk food or alcohol; they will only make things worse.

Saturday, 8 July 2017


One thing for sure you should be able to remember is to be immunized against disaster. Note it that early preparation is vital and your most important key to survival. But what does preparation involve?
Prepare mentally. Acknowledge the fact that disasters happen and that you and your loved ones are potentially at risk. It is too late to prepare after disaster strikes.

Learn about disasters that can happen in your area. Know where shelters are. Consider whether the construction of your home and its location are as safe as possible. Remove fire hazards. Install smoke detectors, and change their batteries at least once a year, if not more often.

Prepare emergency supplies. Power, water, phone, and transportation services can fail. If you own a car, try to keep the fuel tank at least half full, and always have food, water, and an emergency kit in your home.?See the box “ Do You Have What You Need?”

A family prepares emergency supplies
Preparation is your most important key to survival
Have access to the phone numbers of friends, both near and far.

Make and rehearse an escape plan. Know the nearest exits in your building, as well as the emergency plan of your children’s school. Set up family meeting places? Such as a school or a library? one nearby and another outside your neighborhood. Authorities recommend that you practice walking with your family to those meeting points.

    Plan to help others, including the elderly and the infirm.


In order to avoid disease and danger, consider a lot measures are to put in place, viz:
1) Stay with friends, if possible, rather than in a camp.

 2) Keep your living space sanitary.

 3) Use personal protective equipment when cleaning up debris. If possible, wear gloves, sturdy shoes, a hard hat, and a dust mask. Beware of electrical wires and hidden embers.
4) Keep your daily routine as normal as possible. Your children need to see that you are calm and hopeful. Do school lessons, play, and worship as a family. Do not dwell on news coverage of the tragedy, and do not take out your anxiety or frustration on family members. Accept help, and help others.
    A family sticks to their routine after a disaster
5) After the disaster, keep your routine as normal as possible

    It should be know to your disaster cause of loss of life and properties that immeasurable, fir a fact this important area should be noticed. Acknowledge that disasters cause loss. Government and other relief efforts focus on helping people to survive, not on replacing everything that was lost. To survive, we need clean water, food, clothing, and shelter from the weather.​

    Calm down yourself and reduce a potential emotional injury. This often surfaces after the initial shock has passed. Symptoms include anxiety, depression, and mood swings, as well as difficulty thinking, working, and sleeping. Talk to caring friends.

Although many may survived the fire in his workplace, many of his acquaintances did not. He received assistance from Christian elders and mental-health professionals. “They assured me that my grief was part of a natural healing process and that it would pass,” Joshua says. “After six months, the nightmares lessened. Other symptoms have lasted longer.”

Disasters assault our very sense of justice. In response, some people mistakenly blame God. Many, like Joshua, experience “survivor’s guilt.” “I still wonder if I could have saved more people,” he says. “I am comforted by my belief that God will soon bring complete justice to the earth and will right all wrongs. In the meantime, I cherish each day of life and do what I reasonably can to preserve it.”​


“ Usually panic is associated with fire outbreak as many could hold themselves, neither do they compose and or react positively and decisively to the benefit of all victims of the outbreak. Most delay and get confused, to the extend that a commonly and regularly used door and locks could no longer be opened easily. While some react to put off the fire at the same time save lives and properties, some turned off electrical appliances including computers. Some resort to the use throwing of water, in cans or from various containers. One man said, ‘Maybe we should just wait.’” Despite the hesitancy of others, while exclaim loudly against any delay. There would a lot of agitations in minds such as “We need to get out of here now!” “If anyone falls, pick him up and keep moving,” “We’re all going to make it!” gingering all to make.

    In case of fire outbreak endeavour to be close to the floor, and move quickly to the nearest exit. Most times difficulties of view are posed by serious smoke making it hard to see, and at the same time the smoke is been inhaled causing choke in the chest and a possible collapse. Leave behind personal items. Seconds can make the difference between life and death.

    when it come to the disaster cause be an earthquake. Get under sturdy furniture or next to an inside wall. Expect aftershocks, and get outside and away from buildings as soon as you can. Trained rescuers may not arrive for hours, so try to rescue others if you can.

    In some countries that are close to the sure, suffer a lot as it concerns rush of water on the coasts. If the water suddenly rushes away from the shore, move quickly to higher ground. Expect more and larger waves.

    In a tornado or a hurricane. Go to a storm shelter without delay.

    In a flood. Stay out of flooded buildings. Avoid wading in or driving through water. Floodwater can contain sewage and conceal dangers, including debris, open manholes, and downed power lines.

    Did you know? Two feet [0.6 m] of moving water can carry a car away. Most deaths in a flood result when people try to drive through moving water.

    If the authorities order evacuation, leave immediately! Let friends know where you are, or they may risk their lives looking for you.
    A family listens to a radio

    If authorities order evacuation, leave immediately!

    Did you know? Text messaging may be more reliable than telephone voice service.

    If the authorities direct residents to remain at home or shelter in place, stay inside. In case of an outdoor chemical, biological, or nuclear accident or attack, stay indoors, turn off ventilation, and seal all doors and windows. In a nuclear event, go to the lowest internal part of your building to reduce exposure to radiation. Listen to local TV or radio news. Stay indoors until authorities announce that the threat has passed.

Thursday, 22 June 2017

You benefit immensely when you choose to forgive and so does everyone around you. Whether you need to forgive others, or need to forgive yourself, doing so sets you free from the past and enables you to fulfil your true potential. Forgiveness allows you to break free from limiting beliefs and attitudes. It frees up your mental and emotional energies so that you can apply them to creating a better life.

Forgiveness helps you achieve even your most practical and immediate goals. Perhaps you want a better job, to earn more money, have better relationships, or live in a nicer place. Forgiveness helps you achieve all of these. If you have not forgiven then a part of your inner life energy is trapped in resentment, anger, pain, or suffering of some kind. This trapped life energy will limit you. It it like trying to ride a bicycle with the brakes partly on all the time. It slows you down, frustrates you and makes it difficult to move forward.

The choices you make and the things that you believe are possible will all be influenced by the ways you have not forgiven. As you learn to forgive the energy which was going into unhappy thoughts and feelings gets liberated and can flow into creating the life you want rather than limiting you, or creating more suffering.

If you do not want to learn to forgive to benefit yourself; then learn to forgive so you can benefit others. As you learn to forgive you benefit everyone you are in contact with. Your thinking will be clearer and more positive than before. You will have a lot more to give and you will more readily enjoy sharing what you have. You will naturally and easily become kinder, more generous and more caring of others – without having to struggle to achieve this. You will have a happier and more positive attitude to the people in your life and they will respond more positively to you in return.

Is a forgiving person easier to be around than an unforgiving one? Yes, of course they are. A forgiving person is always much easier to be around than an unforgiving one. The quality of your life depends on the quality of your relationships. Every aspect of your life will change for the better as you learn to forgive; whether in your family, your work life or your social life. Learning to forgive will improve all your relationships, because your attitude will improve. As your relationships improve, then all aspects of your life will also improve.

If you want to move up to the next level of financial abundance and success, Forgiveness will help you achieve it. For example, if you want more money in your life you need to make sure that you do not resent people who have more money than you. People with more money than you are the ones best placed to help you have more money too. If, as some people do, you resent “people with money” then they will not be able to help you, because you are not open to them while you are busy resenting them. Likewise, if you have a positive attitude to people who are more successful than you (you smile at them rather than glower at them) they will see you as approachable and will more likely want to work with you, or socialise with you.

If you want a better job, and to earn more money, then having a positive attitude towards the place you work, towards your boss, towards colleagues and towards clients or customers, helps immensely. People who have a positive, helpful attitude stand out in any situation. You can never succeed in an organisation which you do not want to succeed, because you will not give of your best. If you do not give of your best, by doing the best job you can, then you will not receive the best that can come to you. Forgiveness will help you have the kind of attitude which will make you very successful at your job.

Learning to forgive yourself is vitally important too. Hurting yourself, by refusing to forgive yourself, hurts others also. If you do not forgive yourself then you will punish yourself by denying yourself the good things in life. The more you deny yourself the less you have to give. The less you have to give the less you can benefit those around you. When you stop limiting what you receive then you stop limiting what you can give. Everyone benefits when you forgive yourself as you then allow more good into your life, and have a lot more to share.

When you forgive; you become a better husband or wife, you become a better student or teacher, you become a better employer or employee and you become a better parent or child. When you forgive you are more open to success in whatever ways are meaningful to you. As you learn to forgive, what seemed impossible not only becomes possible, but can even become easily achievable.

If you are a religious, or spiritually minded person then learning practical ways to forgive will enhance and deepen your experience of your religion or spiritual practice. It will help free you from guilt about not being as “good” as you feel you should be, because it will help you become the type of person you would like to be. Practising forgiveness strengthens the goodness within you so that it becomes more active in your life. You will naturally feel less inclined to do the things you know you should not do, but have not been able to stop yourself doing. You will start to do more of the things you know you ought to do, but have not been able to get yourself to do.

Learning to forgive can only help you; it cannot hurt you.
Forgiveness is immensely practical and helpful. There is nothing vague, or impractical about it. Forgiveness sets you free. As you learn to forgive many problems (possibly even health problems) will gradually disappear. It will be as if you can view your life from above and can see the easiest way get to where you want to be. Life will open up in front of you. New opportunities will emerge as if from nowhere. Happy coincides will occur where you meet just the right person at just the right time. Ideas or answers will come to you just as you need them. A friend may make a comment, or you flip open a book or a magazine, or you may overhear a conversation which gives you just what you were looking for. Why is this so? It is because by practising forgiveness you become more open to the goodness of life, so that goodness is more able to find its way to you.

As you learn to forgive, abilities which have been dormant within you will emerge, and you will discover yourself to be a much stronger and more capable person than you previously imagined. Parts of yourself which could not thrive in the frigid soil of unforgiveness will start to grow. You will begin to let go of struggling and striving. You will find more of an easy flow and life will be a lot more pleasant and a lot more enjoyable. If this all sounds like exaggeration, then let that be for now. Simply practice the Four Steps to Forgiveness that you will find within these pages and you will be very glad that you did.

Friday, 16 June 2017



There is nothing like good reputation. It is indeed your face in the society. It acts superior to sphere of life. To the conscience, it is a pride and measure for task achievement. Good name or reputation is so valuable hence is quite legally protected from  damage. That may include protection against libel (a published or broadcast defamatory statement) and slander (an oral defamatory statement). This calls to mind the ancient saying: “A good name is to be chosen rather than great wealth; to be respected is better than silver and gold. How can we earn both a good name and the respect of others?

Consider this question and answer, “Who may be a guest in Almighty God’s tent?” the psalmist wrote: “The one who is . . . practicing what is right and speaking the truth in his heart. He does not slander . . . , he does nothing bad to his neighbor, and he does not defame his friends. He rejects anyone who is contemptible… He does not go back on his promise, even when it is bad for him. . . . And he does not accept a bribe.” Would you not respect someone who lived by those beautiful principles?

Another quality that contributes to gaining respect is humility. “Before glory there is humility,” says. Consider: The humble see where they can make improvement and work hard to do so. Also, they are willing to apologize if they have offended someone. The proud are not like that but instead are quick to take offense. “Pride is before a crash, and a haughty spirit before stumbling, so to say.What, though, if someone smears your good name? Should you react hastily, perhaps in the heat of anger? Ask yourself, ‘If I try to defend my name, will I actually be giving wider exposure to the lie?’ While legal action may be appropriate at times, the Bible gives this wise advice: “Do not rush into a legal dispute.” Rather, “plead your case with your neighbor.” This more measured approach can also spare you costly legal expenses.

All who apply for wisdom should first consider the Holy book called BIBLE,  its wisdom cultivate qualities that merit deep respect and contribute to a good name.

Sunday, 9 April 2017


It is in the young and old, flirty witches, and good-looking vampires--these are just some of the supernatural characters that have suddenly entered a place in an unwanted way - the book, movie, and video-game businesses. What is the appeal?, pub-7820813838927254, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 "Belief in ghosts has flew beautifully increased in at least the last 20 years, from one in ten Americans to one in three," writes  - the study of how people act towards each other, professor Claude Fischer. "Young Americans are about twice as likely as old Americans to say they have talked to people (who can speak to the dead), believe in ghosts, and believe in haunted houses."

As expected, stories about evil spirits living in humans are making a scary comeback. "The reborn success of evil possession in popular culture owes something to the zombie, werewolf and vampire sudden rush of the past ten years," writes Michael Calia in The Wall Street Journal.

One report states that "anywhere from 25 percent to 50 percent of people worldwide believe in ghosts, and ghosts feature boldly and clearly in the books of most cultures." And a survey done in the United States by (the study of how people act towards each other) professors Christopher Bader and Carson Mencken "showed/told about that a walking very unsteadily (or huge) 70 to 80 percent of Americans strongly believe in at least one type of related to events without scientific proof activity.

Saturday, 4 February 2017


Stammering, I considered it a ‘trip over one's tongue in an attempt to make a speech’. This is always a result of the condition of that person’s brain connections (the nerves just like electrification) and at times from learning right from childhood. Again some come through gene. It is indeed a situation of an intense effort to voice out words properly is otherwise known as stammering. In an attempt to voice out to peoples’ understanding, more effects most time are put in thereby producing extra sounds or words. This extra effort is likened to the force of trumpeter blowing a trumpet, out of force the trumpet produces a sound that sometimes is harsh to ears.

The degree found in the stammerer’s effort varies a great deal according to individuals and situations. Sometimes it tends to be easy (fluent) and in a little while slows down tremendously to a situation that could cause impatience among listeners.

In this case, repetition of words is made rampantly and sometimes gets stuck (speechless) without any understandable sound thereby breaching a flowing communication. This situation makes the stammerer nervous and sometimes uncontrollably hits or holds another person while trying to alter an intended understandable word.

Because of this phenomenon, some persons remain mute, and sometimes avoids looking at the hearer eyeball-to-eyeball or jumps in between words and unknowing to hearer while trying to avoid the situation of stammering.

This phenomenon has changed names of persons to another called stammerer, meaning one who stammers, which is, of course, a hurtful situation.  

This phenomenon could be through various ways:

(1)                Through the influence of hurry. When one is forced to speak or there is demand for one to speak fast, in that case, one could inadvertently stammer. In this situation, one could say another thing instead of the intended statement because of nervousness.
(2)                Another way it comes is through stress. This could be that which is already in the body due to cases like hunger, ill-health, or sleeplessness. This greatly influences speech making.
(3)                This sometimes comes from not knowing what to say in a situation as at when demanded. Like in children who are in eccentricity as such do not know how to speak, he or she stammers as a result of the struggle.
(4)                Anger makes some people stammer. When they are annoyed hitches are clinched to their speeches and in that situation, most go crazy violent.


Early Caught-Up
There is no medical or magical ‘cure’ for stammering but an early caught-up could help. Since some come as a result of mimicking stammerers or through play, acting as one, it is advisable that guardians need to check the speech of their children and wards.

Ogba myths about the cure:
Ogbaman in the northern part of Rivers State of Nigeria believes that if water is put in a gung and drank as possible in the morning hours regularly, it reduces the hitch that comes in form of hiccup. The more it is been drink from it, the more reduction of the intensity if possible.

Traditionally, the local sound instrument called gung symbolises vocalism. It is a source of announcing and summon of which villagers converge on hearing the sound, so also the call of voice could be enjoyable when audible and understandable. The more water passes through the gung wetting the throat to produce a good sound, the more the throat becomes vocal, hearable and understandable without hitches. As it is being smoothened with water, so the talk and communication are expected to be and all works according to deep believe otherwise faith.

Involvement in Rhythms
A careful study of stammerers found that they do not stammer while singing, as a result it be believed that if one regularly sing and talk as if one is singing can gradually reduce the stammering to normalcy. Keep whistling, whispering and playing with songs it would systematically smoothen your tongue and it would be well with you. Learn to speak regularly in chorus form as if you as singing in rap.

Avoid Anger and Speaking much when Angry
One should try as much as possible to avoid anger and possibly speak when you are angry. This will gradually reduce the hitches in your speeches because when one is angry ordinarily, he or makes struggles to make good and understandable the speech, not a boring one. When the anger is reducing definitely stammering reduces.

Electronic Means
Altered auditory feedback, so that people who stutter hear their voice differently, has been used for years in the treatment of stammering.  Altered auditory feedback effect can be produced by speaking in chorus with another person, by blocking out the person who stutters' voice while talking (masking), by delaying slightly the voice of the person who stutters (delayed auditory feedback) or by altering the frequency of the feedback

Tuesday, 31 January 2017


“ Usually panic is associated with fire outbreak as many could hold themselves, neither do they compose and or react positively and decisively to the benefit of all victims of the outbreak. Most delay and get confused, to the extend that a commonly and regularly used door and locks could no longer be opened easily. While some react to put off the fire at the same time save lives and properties, some turned off electrical appliances including computers. Some resort to the use throwing of water, in cans or from various containers. One man said, ‘Maybe we should just wait.’” Despite the hesitancy of others, while exclaim loudly against any delay. There would a lot of agitations in minds such as “We need to get out of here now!” “If anyone falls, pick him up and keep moving,” “We’re all going to make it!” gingering all to make.

    In case of fire outbreak endeavour to be close to the floor, and move quickly to the nearest exit. Most times difficulties of view are posed by serious smoke making it hard to see, and at the same time the smoke is been inhaled causing choke in the chest and a possible collapse. Leave behind personal items. Seconds can make the difference between life and death.

    when it come to the disaster cause be an earthquake. Get under sturdy furniture or next to an inside wall. Expect aftershocks, and get outside and away from buildings as soon as you can. Trained rescuers may not arrive for hours, so try to rescue others if you can.

    In some countries that are close to the sure, suffer a lot as it concerns rush of water on the coasts. If the water suddenly rushes away from the shore, move quickly to higher ground. Expect more and larger waves.

    In a tornado or a hurricane. Go to a storm shelter without delay.

    In a flood. Stay out of flooded buildings. Avoid wading in or driving through water. Floodwater can contain sewage and conceal dangers, including debris, open manholes, and downed power lines.

    Did you know? Two feet [0.6 m] of moving water can carry a car away. Most deaths in a flood result when people try to drive through moving water.

    If the authorities order evacuation, leave immediately! Let friends know where you are, or they may risk their lives looking for you.
    A family listens to a radio

    If authorities order evacuation, leave immediately!

    Did you know? Text messaging may be more reliable than telephone voice service.

    If the authorities direct residents to remain at home or shelter in place, stay inside. In case of an outdoor chemical, biological, or nuclear accident or attack, stay indoors, turn off ventilation, and seal all doors and windows. In a nuclear event, go to the lowest internal part of your building to reduce exposure to radiation. Listen to local TV or radio news. Stay indoors until authorities announce that the threat has passed.


Pathway could be described as route, a system, a method or a process of achieving a giving task or assignment.

This refers to the ability to be financially self-sufficient. The ability to be in control of your finances. Combining the two phrases together gives us a clear meaning of the subject of discussion. That is; pathways to financial freedom mean the process, methods or ways of achieving financial self-sufficiency or be in total control your financial life. In other -way pathways to financial freedom could also mean what could be done to ensure that financially you are not under tension or pressure or stress.

To be free from debt and to have what is sufficiently enough to meet your need; the following recommended steps should be taken.

Are you   ready to   accept responsibility for  changing your financial situation? Do you believe that you can and will change the way you make financial decisions? Can you identify at least one benefit you hope to gain by changing your money management behaviour?

Start your journey with a self-assessment designed to motivate you. Find out what is your current financial position. Use this simple quiz to help you assess your current financial situation. Complete the test by filling in always, some time or never. Then do the scoring at the end of the parameter provided to see how you are faring.

Clean up   your financial position by   identifying the following.

Wasteful spending.
* Area of financial stress. That is area   where you   have overloaded your finances and start cutting down.
* Check your debt profile and decide how to clean it up.
* Note the parasite.
* Check the direction of your spending: i.e. consumption or investment tended.

Before you think about setting goals, review the five parts of SMART goals.

A smart goal is specific.  It pinpoints something you want to change to achieve.

A smart goal is measurable. You can measure or count a SMART goal.

A smart goal is achievable. Setting goals too high can lead to frustration.

A smart goal is  rewarding.
Reaching the goal should be a reward for your hard work.

A smart goal is trackable. Set milestones and schedules for your goals.

Set short-term, mid-term and long-term goals
Personal financial goals will differ in the length of time needed to achieve them. Short-term goals are priorities that can be accomplished within two years. Be sure every goal has a specific purpose, an amount that it will cost, and a realistic target date. Mid-term goals are priorities that can be accomplished within two to five years. Make sure your goals are realistic and flexible, if you set your goals too high, frustration will keep you from reaching them. Long-term financial goals are priorities that may take more than five years to accomplish. Most long-term goals require regular savings.

Expect the unexpected. Unfortunately, bad things sometimes happen to good people. In fact, bankruptcy filers often site an "unforeseen" event as the cause of their financial demise. In addition to long-term savings, financial experts agree that consumers should aim to have three to six months living expenses saved for emergencies. By learning to expect the unexpected, you can keep a minor financial setback from turning into a major financial crisis.

Don't despair if you are behind on your retirement goals. If it is any consolation, you aren't alone; studies show many households are not adequately prepared for retirement. Here are some things to consider when assessing your retirement savings: Take advantage of available resources.

Participate in your company's retirement plan, particularly if they have a "matching funds" program. Not participating in this type of program is literally leaving money on the table and passing up significant tax advantages. If a company program is not available to you, consider establishing an Independent Retirement Account (IRA).

Seek professional guidance. A trusted planner can help you to determine the amount to withhold. They can also help you determine your tolerance for risk and map out a comprehensive strategy that will bring you closer to your financial goals. Take an active role. When you enrol in a retirement plan, you spend time researching your investment options in order to make informed decisions. Yet most people fail to actively manage their accounts by rebalancing their allocation of assets when market conditions change. Rebalancing your portfolio every year to keep the percentages where you want them is the key to maximising returns and minimising risk. Also, if you have experienced a raise in compensation, consider increasing your retirement savings. Finally, avoid cashing out early. Remember, if you withdraw money from your RS A, you will have to pay tax. In addition to providing your family with the basic necessities of life, you may feel responsible for their overall financial well-being. One of the best ways to care for your family is to be sure that you are prepared if something were to happen to you or another member of your family.
Perform a health insurance checkup.

Find out exactly what services are covered and learn what preventive services are offered while performing your health insurance check-up. Ask if there limits on medical tests, out-of-hospital care, mental health care, and prescription drugs. Research your premiums and co-payments. Explore the difference in cost between using doctors in the network and those outside it. Find out if there a limit to the maximum you would pay out-of-pocket. If you do not have health insurance,' seek assistance from Medicaid or your local state-sponsored plan.

Perform an auto insurance check-up.
Auto insurance pays for damages, injuries and other losses specifically covered by your policy. Most states require vehicle owners to purchase liability insurance, which covers bodily injury and property damage. Read your policy carefully while performing your auto insurance check-up to know exactly what it covers Pay special   exclusions.

Thursday, 19 January 2017


The Niger Delta has so occupied the local, national and international newsstands for the past 19 years that many people are beginning to think as if it is the only delta in the world. This is not correct as there are several other deltas. A delta is a triangular alluvial deposit at the mouth of a river caused by the tidal currents. Be that as it may, some deltas (i.e. 1,2,4,5 and 10 in Table 1-1) are not in the tropics.  These distinctive characteristics are common to all the deltas of the world.

In this study, we have selected for investigation ten major deltas (wetlands) of the world and their locations are at Table 1-1.

Table 1-1 Major Deltas of the World
Name of Delta
Mekong Delta
China – Asia
49,520 kilometres
Mississippi Delta
United States of America – North America
3,705 kilometers
Niger Delta
Nigeria – Africa
70,000  square kilometers
Nile Delta
Egypt – Africa
3,349,000 square kilometers
Yangtze Delta
China – Asia
Not available
Pearl Delta
China – Asia
Not available
Okavango Delta
Angola – Africa
16,000 square kilometers
Orinoco Delta
Venezuda – South America
2,140 square kilometers
Mahakam Delta
Indonesia – Asia
Not available
Mackenzie Delta
Canada – North America
1,738  square kilometers

The deltas of the world have been undergoing major socio-economic and political changes since the beginning of the 1970s, but dramatically from 1990s. These changes have fundamental bearings on the environment, institutions, and processes of governance, as well as the security, norms and values of the local communities. The changes equally pose challenging tasks in a variety of ways by raising issues of structural, institutional, legal frameworks, human capacity and infrastructural development, human (social) rights, resource control, and management that make the deltaic regions fragile and volatile. The changes and challenges require strong political will and prudent governance in harnessing the resources of the area and at the same time redressing the problems facing the deltas in the interest of long-term consolidation.

There is no doubt that the greatest problem facing the deltas is that of environment posed by the different terrains and industrialisation programmes. Thus, it has become more and more obvious that a pan delta strategy has to be applied as the problems reveal similarity(Etekpe A, 2007:122). This is important because apart from the Niger Delta that has been in tumult, the present relative peace in the other deltas is not a guarantee that all is well. Pearl delta in Southern China, for example, is described as “notoriously polluted”, and a potential “trouble spot”.

Although much has been written about the Niger Delta, Toby, Gabriel (2008:22-23), a one-time Deputy Governor of Rivers State’s vivid account of it requires rehearsal;

Before the oil, the Niger delta communities existed as autonomous political entities with trade links with European countries. They managed their resources and were their own masters. The Portuguese, the Dutch, the French, the British did not find the political independence of these communities conductive of their quest to establish a foothold in the Atlantic and unfettered trade links with the hinterland. There were great rivalry and competition amongst them.

Toby went further to narrate how the region became one of the most leading slave markets in West Africa. By 1830 when the slave trade was abolished, palm oil and kernel took over. Between 1834 and 1850, the Niger delta exported about 18,000 tonnes of palm oil to Europe and earned £800,000 out of the total £1,500 earned by Africa in the export of oil. Between 1950 and 1960, Niger delta produced over 2,100,000 tonnes of palm oil and 4,654,000 tonnes of palm kernels and exported 233,918 tonnes of palm oil to Europe. Indeed, the Niger delta was dominant in the production of palm oil and kernel that enhanced the wealth of Nigeria. It should be noted that during this period, the region retained all the proceeds and paid appropriate taxes to the federal government as the country applied the principle of derivation.

Palm produce remained one of the foremost foreign exchange earners of Nigeria until 1973 when the country started recording an unprecedented boom in its crude oil trade, thanks to the Arab-Israeli war of that year.
Throughout the 1950s which were the period of self-government under colonial supervision; and the 1960s, the independence years, palm produce generated the country’s revenue among other cash crops.  But by 1973, crude oil started generating far much more revenue than the agricultural products beyond the imagination of the nation’s authorities; cash crop production was neglected as manna was literally falling from heaven.  And since then, crude oil has not ceased flowing.  Why strain yourself to labour on a farm to get money when you can scoop out crude oil, sell it, and make ten times more money than you make from your farm products?  That was the situation.

The production of palm produce and other cash crops was abandoned because of easy money from crude oil.  Trade in palm produce did not dwindle.  It was neglected.  Thus, the Niger Delta region continued to be the economic live-wire of Nigeria from the pre-colonial times to the present era. Paradoxically, the region that has propelled Nigeria to the position of the 7th largest producers of crude oil in the world remains “poor, backwards and deliberately neglected.” As Adesina, Dabo (2009:1-2), put it, “after 53 years of oil discovery, the region is even more impoverished than before; and the federal government blames oil companies for the Niger Delta crisis….” The crisis or paradox as explained by Moffat and Linden (1995:527), “whereas the Niger Delta is the richest part of Nigeria in terms of natural resources, extensive forests, good agricultural land and abundant fish resources, the region’s potential for sustainable development remains unfulfilled and its future is being threatened by environmental degradation and deteriorating economic conditions which are not addressed by the present policies and actions”. Moffat and Linden concluded that “thirty-nine (now fifty-three) years of oil development have not brought significant benefits to the region.…”

The Gross National Product (GNP) per capita in the Niger Delta is below the national average of USD1.25. Out of the total population of 21 million in 2006, 11.74m were unemployed and over 70 percent were living in rural communities characterised by a lack of development, stagnant agricultural productivity, negligible opportunities, tenuous property rights, and high mortality rate.

Following the foregoing gloomy scenario, the people became restive, and some angry youths resorted to militancy. This degenerated into the proliferation of militant groups that slipped into criminality in form of destruction of oil installations, oil pipeline vandalization, kidnapping, and hostage-taking. As the federal government counter-insurgency failed, President Yar’Adua proclaimed amnesty for the militants and pleaded for a peaceful negotiated settlement of “the Niger Delta Questions” in May 2009.

This study is to apply a pan delta approach to reviewing and recommend proactive strategies that would be adaptable to the deltas of the world. The study is not a rehearsal of existing literature, but a discussion on some of the “unfinished themes” on deltaic regions, with emphasis on the Niger Delta worth pursuing with utmost vigour and dedication. The essence is to enhance the political competence of the local communities and strengthen the capacity of the civil society for the long term consolidation of sustainable development, conflict resolution and peace-building.


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