For achievable goals, an organisation must be capable of being creative, adaptive', stable and able to change appropriately to be healthy while an unhealthy organisation is one that becomes unable to cope with its environment on a long run in spite of whatever short time effectiveness it might have accomplished.
1. Good focus: The organisational goal in question must be clear and acceptable. The organisational goals must be achievable, appropriate and must have available necessary resources for their achievement. In fact, the degree to which the organisational members understand and accept the goals determines as well as contributes to the health of the school.
2. Communication Adequacy: Adequate information circulation in an organisation is very vital. In order to have the right, adequate and timely information received in an organisation, there must be effective -and adequate communication, both vertically and horizontally within the organisation. In a school organisation, information must flow freely from the principal to the teachers and from the teachers to the principal and so on or visa-vies. It is this free flow of information that helps in problems identification and provision of solutions.
3. Optional Power Equalization: In a healthy organisation, there is an equitable distribution of power and influence among members. There is collaboration among the staff to the extent that the subordinate can equally influence the boss.
4. Resource utilisation: It is also the norm of a healthy organisation to have the effective and efficient utilisation of human and material resources within the system as means of attaining pre-stated goals. The individual members feel actualized as they grow in the jobs since they have the feeling of working for themselves rather than against themselves.
5. Cohesiveness: This applies to a situation whereby organisational members want to get attached to the organization. They allow the organization to exert her influence on them while they too exert their own interest on the organization,
6. Morale: This happens when the well-being or job satisfaction of the organizational members are taken care off In providing high morale, management ensures that members experience feeling of satisfaction; and exhibit less feeling of conflict, hostilities and anxieties. This situation makes an organization maintain a healthy climate.
7. Innovativeness: The degree of dynamism, changes and renewal that occur in an organization determine the health of that organization. The organization should invent new procedures, new goals, develop and make changes, produce new products rather than remaining stagnant, reutilized or static. The school organization should be the bedrock of innovations that invariably influence other sectors or industries. Principals and teachers should be ingenuous enough as to guide students to be very innovative in their various fields of endevours. Apart from this, they should employ new methods and styles of teaching so as to spur students into inventing new ideas and even products. This automatically portrays school organization as healthy. Autonomy: A healthy organization is one that has some degree of independence such that it is not tale-guided or manipulated by its environment, even though it has to utilize feedback from its environment. The organization does not also respond passively or negatively to its environment.
9. Adaptation: A perceived healthy organization should be able to adapt quickly to any environmental changes. It should be tolerant towards any difficulty brought about by changes with its environment.
10. Problem Solving Adequacy: There are always the presence of problems, strains, difficulties within any organization. The ability for each organization to handle these problems using the proper mechanism, in solving these problems determines its healthy condition.
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