Believe has to do with that certainty in you, when you are convinced beyond any doubt or argument; this is it, it's true, you know for sure, you can feel it inside of you, before these, you must have come to know and accept the truth about a particular thing, 2corithians 4:13, says, I believe therefore I have spoken with the same spirit of faith, we also believe and therefore we speak , these are about how to encrypt the heart with things that can build up your mental state and enable you in self-development, your belief on anything will trigger your faith on such, therefore you can now boldly speak that thing you expect with the backup power of faith.
The possibility of anything lies within your personal self-will just got to perceive it, conceive it, believe it, and then you will definitely achieve it, as long as you act on it
Action speaks louder than words, the action you take after embarking on all the due process of anything is a sure-bet-prove that you are definitely advancing towards your objectives or goals. The act of it, is the due process and series of trying to get done what you have been longing for, if you say something like I want to purchase a house of my own, live a luxurious life, have a brighter and better future, now all these things await you.
It's like being on the long run were you were assured of a possible future where all you ever dreamt of will be available, but the terms and condition is that you have to work, sketch out a plan, draw out you strategies then get on with it, if you want to live a good life. Now, without making any move for it, and without any drive and ambition, you will only be filling your future with shattered hopes.
Life is all about planning if you don't plan you are definitely wasting your time with enough useful resources at your disposal and before you know it you keep ageing by the day. The action is the grand principle of you getting anything you wish to be done, the way you want it done. James said in 2;18-20, faith without work is dead, so have faith practice it and put it to work, then all your objectives will be fulfilled.
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