What affects your mind mostly is the way you behave, such as your behavior determines the way you think or feel about something do you know your behavior is just the way you act frequently, the way you act is just the way you are, (you can't do more than you know) on looking at the reverse side of it, you get it that the way you behave constantly is directly the way you think, it's how you reasoned thinks, your perspective, it's your viewpoint on issues
The moods and ways you respond to things or your abilities reflects your mind, the word "responsibility" simply means the ways you respond to your abilities, there are certain abilities, things you can-do even at ease things that are common to your will, some don't even care to know a thing they can do, therefore depending on their strength and power,..Even the scripture states it that for not by strength shall any man prevail You possess certain skills and special ways of doing things apparently different from the ways others do. Have you ever being in a course were many persons are doing exactly the same thing, but you notice that at the end one must be outstanding one must come out the best, or a situation where athletes of the same height, body weight, are all lined up on the same line ready for race, but at the finish line there's always the first among all, what happened at that moment, they all did the same thing, were provided same equipment, but one out of the whole decided to add style,(l called it the value added strategy) , the awesome result there is as result of personal zeal to do better, it was as simply done out of a person's skill, ways, pattern to perfection, that's why it comes out in a different tone
The same thing applies to our today's world you might want to do things the way others do, forgetting that you can add your own skills and style, sort of additional knowledge to it, that's why it's sometimes good to know beyond what others thought, crave your own findings on the issue let be that you've discovered something new about a thing, which will be added to its history and to your own credit in that way you have added or contributed to life in some kind of way, you never thoughts you could.
The attitude of the minds, you might want to know are the ways, one perfect style, format in which your mind sees things which is due to your mindset it's about the attitude you have set in your mind, it's like a kind of rules you have become accustomed to, doing something outstanding, always setting the pace for others to learn from There's always a style added to whatever and anything I do, it's a legacy I've set for myself not just doing it, but doing it in an all different kind of ways, in our daily lives we tend to come up with something either beyond or equal to abilities, we then, become very desperate to achieve these things not minding what other needs maybe, now you have a set mind towards that thing, the only thing, within the whole of your life that will enable you to get that thing done or achieved, is the attitude of your mind- everyone actually needs something to make them look good and comfortable but not everyone can actually get them, your focus on that thing, that eagerness, the zeal to get it, will always come.
Have you ever thought of having something you wish so dearly, though the means is not there, but in your mind you will sort out means of actualizing it somehow, though sometimes you might want to let go of your plans, your target, ambitions, but because your mind has long been focus on it, you will never let go until you get it, it's because of the attitude your mind has inculcated and it now becomes a habit to you to always complete every project you started. Attitudes are patterns and ways, particular methods you have set yourself in doing things; having a good sense of anticipation is one thing that characterised the attitudes of your mind. The mentality
In genesis 1:26 God said let us make man in our own image-...when God concluded his creation he studied, searched and looked carefully and then he noticed that something was missing, not that God was too busy to take care of everything he had created but he needed somebody to him to rule over them, to be their sovereign lord, that's why he said,.....Let us make man in our own image and likeness, these alone should enhance your knowledge of the fact that you are Gods here on earth, God endowed every bits of his features, potentials in you, commissioned you to this world to rule over what he had made so far,....and after our likeness, these means that the way God think is the way you think, the mentality God has is the same has yours , the only difference is he's in charge of the kingdom of heavens while he commissioned you to be in charge of the kingdom of the earth, therefore he transfers to you every detail of ruler ship, which is contained in the Bible you carry every day.
Can you now begin to imaging God's level of mentality, the level of his thinking and reasoning, those God think low? Those God ever manage? Those God ever lack? These are some question you should be asking yourself.
The mentality you carry is directly proportional to your standard of living because it is your "mental reasoning" the ability of your mind to produce an intelligent thoughts that would guarantee the way you live your life, because when your minds think correctly and accurately it gives you a heads up and gets you back on track.
Whenever good thoughts come to mind and you begin to act upon it, it simply gives you an expected result, mentality is all about you, your level of reasoning, thinking, the way you look at things and how you apply your understanding, skills and knowledge to that thing to produce what you expect, being reasonable doing things wisely not living by the natural means of life, but going beyond the natural extending it to the extra giving you an extra ordinary ways of life, to live a different kind of life you need to start doing something others don't that's the way to grow.
The mentality is one perfect tool for self development, because it is the only tool in your thinking faculty that is concerned with your comfort, the things you see on daily basis are the natural ways of life, but then when you don't live according to them you just have to adjust a little bit, that's why God after his creation, noticed something odd, about nature, when man defiles the law of creation, God gave man the self-will of living the life of his choice. And also creating a supernatural world in this world where faith is the generally accepted currency were believers live in extreme comfort and flourish well, only those that have an abstract understanding of the word, can gain full access to this world. Here's an instant, in job 22:29, it says while men are cast down then thou shall say there is a lifting up, so what goes or happens around you has no effect on you because you are a different personality operating in a different economy which is not of this world when things go down or goes bad, you don't have to worry, rather you lift up your hands in time of difficulty and say there is a lifting up. Now God said these words you just have sto believe it thru your hearts and activate it thru your mind, which includes your mentality
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