Balanced ration: Ration that contains all the nutrients in right proportions and quantities is called balanced ration.
Calf starter: Concentrate feed offered to the young calves after two weeks of age.
Castration: It is the removal of testicles, the glands that produces male sperm cells. This is done to prevent excess loss of energy through mounting of other animals. Castrated animals normally give better economic returns.
Challenge feeding: The practice of feeding higher levels of concentrate to challenge the cow to-, reach her maximum milk production.
Concentrates: Feeds that contain less than 18% crude fibre are called concentrates such as grains, oilcakes, grain by products etc.
Cross breeding: A system of breeding between two established breeds.
Culling: Removal of undesirable or unproductive animals from herd.
Dehorning: This means removing the horns of farm animals. Naturally polled animals (animals without horns) are easier, to handle than the horned ones. They require less space, eat more quietly and are easier to handle.Removal of the external parasites like ticks, lice, mites present on the body surface of animal, by use of either hands or spraying with acaricides
Deworming: Removal of the internal gastro intestinal parasites from the body. Animals should be dewormed 3-4 times in a year. Young animals are susceptible to worm infestations and should therefore be dewormed frequently.
Disbudding: Removal of the horn buds of the calf by mechanical or chemical methods to arrest growth of horns. It can also be described as the arrest of horn growth at an early age when the horn is still in the form of a bud or button.
Energy feeds: These are feeds containing less than 20% crude protein.
Gestation period: Period of pregnancy.
Heifer calf: Female calf under one year.
Heifer: A female individual that has not yet calved.
Inbreeding: A system of breeding between very closely related animals.
Intercalving period: No of days between two successive calvings.
Lactation length: The time interval between the date of calving to the date of drying the animal expressed in days.
Maintenance ration: A ration given daily to the animal to maintain in resting non production condition with good health.
Parturition: Act of delivery in animals.
Pasture: Fodder crops grown on the land for grazing animals. Pedigree
Bull: The bull whose ancestral record is known.
Production ration: A portion of the ration given daily in excess of maintenance requirement for purpose of growth, production and work.
Protein supplements: Feeds that contain 20% or more protein are called protein supplements.
Ration: The total amount of feed that an animal is offered during a 24 hour period of time is called ration. Roughage: Feeds that contain more than 18% crucie fiber are called roughage such as hay, silage, fodder etc.
Service period: The period between parturition to successful conception expressed in days. Silage: Freshly cut green forages cut and offered to the animals.
Stud Bull: Bull that is used for breeding.
Weaning: Separation of the calf from the cow and feeding them artificially.
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