Wednesday, 21 September 2016


Climatic and Soil Requirements: 
Pepper with botanical name Capsicum Spp. grows best on well-drained soil, light loamy soil which is rich in lime, a rainfall of 65-130mm is required.

Cultivation: Seed-bed or nursery is required in a shady area preferably near water. Planting is done by scattering viable seeds on the seed beds. Germination takes place in 6-10 days. The developing seedlings are transplanted after 4-6 weeks. Newly transplants seedlings should be watered daily until the roots are firmly established in the soil.

Spacing of 60-90ctn apart can be used. Weed farmland when necessary.

Mulch when necessary. Apply organic fertilizer of about 2.5kg/m2. Inorganic fertilizer can be applied in a ring, about 1 Ocrh away from the base of each plant.

Pests and Diseases: The major pests are birds and nematodes. Birds can be controlled with trap, and other physical methods. Nematode can be controlled by applying a nematicide.

Viral diseases like mosaic and leaf curl can be controlled by uprooting and burning infected plants.
Harvesting and Storage: The fruits are ready for harvest 3-4 months after planting by hand picking. The harvested fruits can be used directly; or treated with hot water for about 30 minutes after which they are dried. After drying, the fruits can either be crushed into powder and sold or stored.

Peppers are used as condiments for the preparation of stews, soups and for seasoning foods. Peppers are good sources of vitamins A, C, and E. It can be exported.

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