Since the coming off city or people especially the Information Technology (IT) within the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries, a big deal of bury culture and tradition embedment resulted. Many far away have been able to hear, see and copy others way of life through radio, television and telephone communications, making the world's communities a joint worldwide village.
This enablement secured/made sure of a total relativity and interactivity between many sets of human race causing a simple imitating of normal behaviours, culture, tradition and also religion.
From afar, love and honour of others culture have been most important, especially within those who feel low-quality to others or some who so much like and respect other (related to social pressure, how people act toward each other, etc.) standards. Many do not care to know the effect of such they are copying; knowing too well that it is of new beginning/showing, not what you are used to. They also forget and interfere with the strings and that it could be terrible and destructive and strange when showed off to people to their own (community of people/all good people in the world).
It should be made known that many nations place more value on others way of life than theirs, by that/in that way take pleasure in and copy into their native (to) culture. What is actually responsible for this concern is nothing but inferiority complex and bossy effect of others. It is also noted worthy that the beginning/showing is really invasion on native (to) cultures, which is quite a rape on right of existence as separate things/businesses.
As a point of duty, all (land areas owned or controlled by someone) should be able to jealously guide their history from being dishonest (in a way that ruins your trust) or destroyed by others since no culture is better than the others. Just as China, Russia, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Israel, other Middle East countries and so on, had done on their (something given to future people), African countries should follow same.
For a truth Africa is the home of great culture and normal behaviours even though (when lots of countries communicate and talk with each other) has eaten up deep into our case, making the continent humble to outside playful (and troublemaking) behaviours. Actually, Africans are usually weak sensitively with low (being interested only in yourself/believing that everyone acts selfishly). Many Africans still carry the attitude/set of opinions and way of thinking of a won (by force) people. They constantly opened their doors freely for the Whiteman to break through even long after they have been freed from slavery. Our airwaves carry some form of (too terrible to talk about) cultural roughness to ruin the next generation from filtering away the goodies (in there/within that).
The degenerating effect is continuous because of these IT produces/makes happen as the children are left to grow next to with what they see leaving their native (to) moral ideas. Everyone in any continent grows not necessarily from outside but the laid down of normal behaviours, cultures and traditions of their lands. All of us make success in (many different kinds of people or things) ways not only one outside continent or race.
Africans were not used to some forms of hooliganism but strictly on the rich normal behaviours of respect for older (people) and peace, honesty, upright moral ideas of avoiding what will bring shame to the (community of people/all good people in the world) among others. African should not give up to foreign normal behaviours if we actually hate calm and easygoing attitudes found, theft, unfaithfulness, over fastness and (wanting, more than anything else, to buy and own lots of nice things). It is not out of the mind of the sting of slavery and (a stronger country controlling and taking advantage of a weaker one) of which (when kings and queens try to push their rule as far as possible) is a (person who tries to settle an argument) of the both. It actually went a long way to drain Africa of her great values, by that/in that way reducing her to an unknown way of thinking, this is another world called mental slavery.
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