It is noted that one man’s freedom is part and parcel of universal freedom. You cannot touch one without at the same time jeopardising the other.
How can one trace the obscurity in man that has always led him to despise, vanquish and humiliate his fellows? Why is it that such crime overtime against humanity goes scot-free even since the initiation of Human Rights crusade?
Greed is the complex answer that motivates the use of child labour and for the phenomenon of debt bondage. Poor livelihood and the missing impact of knowledge are also blamable when girls are sold into prostitution and servile marriage. Religious norms and cultural concepts lie behind ritual slavery. All of this is part of a world where people are lovers of them, lovers of money, having no natural affection, without self-control, and always involve in violence.
It is seemingly true of the view that there is no remedy for a permanent end to this slavery scourge, either in its traditional manifestations or in its more recent forms? Not at all!
Even when abolished for long, slavery leaves traces. It can persist as a state of mind, among its victims and their descendants and among the inheritors of those who practised it, long after it has formally disappeared.
To avert slavery, all hands must be on deck with a change of our reasoning, a change of heart, on a worldwide scale. And that involves a change of education, teaching people to love one another and respect one another’s dignity. It means helping people to root greed out of their hearts and abide by high moral standards. Who can provide such education? It is clear that everyone has a contribution to make to a world order which no longer tolerates inhumane exploitation.
The Bible in Acts of the Apostles 17:26, teaches that God has made out of one man every nation of men, to dwell upon the entire surface of the earth. Thus, no one can claim either supremacy over any of his fellow humans or the right to oppress or exploit others. People who are willing to learn come to appreciate the fact that God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him. They realise that God’s love is all-encompassing since the privilege of a close relationship with him is open to all people. In fact, in St. John Gospel 3:16, God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life
These teachings motivate the world to treat their fellow humans with dignity and respect. They are determined to work what is good toward all. No one can be a true Christian and share in the inhumane exploitation and oppression of any of his fellow humans. Jehovah’s Witnesses are happy to be a Christian community like the Christian congregation of the first century, in which ‘there was neither Jew nor Greek, and there was neither slave nor freeman. All were one person in union with Christ Jesus.
However, for there to be a permanent end to all forms of slavery, a drastic change in human society is required. The International Labor Organization says that to end human exploitation, there is a need “to change the environment which permits and condones” such practices. International actions, international cooperation, and a commitment to the world community are among further suggestions made by that agency.
This would logically require a power able to exercise broad control over our planet, a power able to ensure universal freedom. Boutros Boutros-Ghali, former secretary-general of the UN, said that the real problems afflicting our planet must be solved on a global level. But not everyone is so sure that this could ever happen. Past experience shows that many people in power are too selfish and self-centered in their interests and goals to achieve such international cooperation.
Human exploitation and every form of slavery will disappear under the rule of this government because Christ the King will reign by means of justice and by means of righteousness. (Isaiah 9:7) Oppressed ones will find release under his just rule, for the Bible says: “He will deliver the poor one crying for help, also the afflicted one and whoever has no helper. He will feel sorry for the lowly one and the poor one, and the souls of the poor ones he will save. From oppression and from the violence he will redeem their soul.
If you yearn to see the end of slavery, all forms of enslavement, we invite you to learn more about God’s purpose to establish this liberating world government. Jehovah’s Witnesses in your area will be happy to help you to do this.
We are all born with an inherent need and desire for dignity and freedom. This should be echoed feelings that are universal. Who can deny that we all seek lives free of fear, torture and discrimination? When have you heard a free voice demand an end to freedom? Where have you heard a slave argue for slavery?
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