Saturday, 1 October 2016

The inherited imperfection of all mankind brings us into the throws of greed. With all the sundry explications both the unexposed, the question arises, what is acquisitiveness? In today's consumer society, this pernicious sin is one that affects virtually everyone." The definition and truth of Francine's words permeate our lives each day. Yet what is the authenticity of this infectious trait?

Greed, therefore, is a selfish or exorbitant desire for more than expected, needed and or deserved, especially of money, wealth, puissance, and or fame among other possessions.

Acquisitiveness these days has been a watchword and the bane of nation’s downcast as it resides more on wealth and puissance. Looting of nation’s treasury through money laundry and all worth, not by ascendant entities in the country is quite awful and condemnable. It is mostly found in politicians who cerebrate the seat is where a national cake is shared. Many struggles by all designates to go in their just to ascertain they greatly join in the sharing and taking of the national. None of them had in their dream proffer forwardness for their nation than partaking in the looting of the nation’s treasury. Because of the interest, a lot go an extra mile to kill people for ritual in the pursuit of the political vocation. They will acknowledge your presence and avail that very point in time; afterwards, they forget you plenarily until they are out of that seat. They accumulate money for four generation unborn in the expense of others.

Greed is very much rampant and a tradition in the political cadres. Politician desires earlier afore vying for a position, hence they go an extra mile in brutality ascertaining that the zeal is achieved. Factually, there are none of the Nigerian politicians that have not either directly or indirectly soil their hands with irreprehensible blood, just to get to the cull. Some trigger off truculence in the course of the pursuit, killing and maiming human beings. The springing up of hooligans is all as a result of political ambitions, nationally and internationally. No unrest in the societies that does not trace their inception to political interest. A lot go into God Fatherism where a sponsor gives condition to better his own lot. Some people willfully joint secret courts, while some are coerced or persuaded to join with the oath to ascertain allegiance to them. The issue of “I put you in power is always there, in own time or the other.

In the regime and its wings, a lot of deals go on, cut off corners in the execution of projects and obligations. Over billing and escalating of quotations for projects are prevalent, and they continually accumulate until death take them away. Some victual not minding whether others are having at all, and even when they won’t show any denouement of feeling for the impoverished. Lot countries had their independence many years ago but nothing to show for it. Today Nigeria is 56 years after independence with a lot of mal-functionalities including lack of focus, lack of good conscience and extremism in the country, violence and war everywhere.

It is acquisitiveness that makes many go after others' wives and properties. Some drag with vigour and with their blood even when it is not theirs. As it is in man, so it is in women who especially consider men the rightful donor and provider. A woman keep has and requests for more from a man for the reason of insatiability. It is cupidity that many go into wagering, stacking sizably voluminous money and property that would a last be a total lost to them. If it is not cupidity why will a Senator peregrinate home at the terminus of the month with not less than 30 million Naira outside another amount of money, while many in the nation do have two square repasts a day?

Profiteering is equipollent because of greed a situation where a business man or woman buys something worth N5, 000 and desires to sell it at the rate of N15, 000, ten thousand profits. Over profiting is indeed lamentable and insalubrious to human beings and it does not sanction for good society void of corruption.  This has affected many sections of the society including the religious bodies that now longer for money.  The more the quests for wealth, power and popularity, the more increase of corruption.

Greed these days has been a watchword as it resides more in wealth and power. Looting of nation’s treasury through money laundry and all worth, not by authorities in the country is quite awful and condemnable. Stolen tax identity fraud is one of the latest scams. Greed has caused more damage to the relationships of families and friends. Families are losing their homes which they have lived in for years. It is not unusual today to see empty homes with "bank owned" signs posted in the windows. Neighbourhoods are experiencing a foreclosure crisis never seen before, as families are thrown out into the streets. This is truly a display of greed where inordinate things are more valuable than people. The economic depression has caused parents to lose their jobs, therefore unable to pay their mortgages. Young children along with their parents are now homeless. This source of greed truly demonstrates that our society "cherishes things more than people or relationships."

The price of greed has withal ravaged relationship. People utilise scams against their friends sometimes without erudition or intention. For example, there is numerous scams today developed for the sole purport of cupidity. Whether the scam involves debt assuagement, home modification, and credit score or peregrinate scams, it is detrimental to its victims. Their neighbour or friend may get introduced to the swindler, celebrating that the scam is an opportunity to make expeditious money. The pyramid scam is then introduced where all your friends and neighbours are invited to become a component of this tremendous money making the deal. You then bring your friend in as you explicate what, "a wondrous, make money while you slumber," plan this is. Your friends then become involved and decide to invest hundreds of dollars. In the terminus, the only person making money is the acquisitive swindler who commenced the pyramid scam. Their amity is now affected or consummately damaged perpetually. For centuries, this has been the price and face of acquisitiveness.

Many people struggle with the encumbrances of credit card debt. While individuals are ensnared within the prison of these debts, along comes a disreputable company claiming they will avail you pay off your debts through debt solution program. They have you deposit hundreds of dollars, as they amass all the information about your credit cards that you are behind on. Every month they charge you a payment of virtually two hundred dollars, as they so call negotiate with your credit card company. A lawyer who was much acclimated with the industry of credit solution companies admitted, "a plethora of these companies is owned by the credit card companies." At the cessation of the year, the credit card company will file your nonpayment with the regime and receive payment from your taxpayer dollars. After receiving payment, this debt solution company which is possibly owned by the credit card company will now come after you and pretend they are going to make this great deal for you. You are advised that only a moiety of your balance owed is needed, albeit the credit card company has already received payment.

Another thing some debt assuagement companies do is take the information you gave concerning the highest amount you may owe on a credit card. A shrewd representative may apprise the credit card company of your intentions to include this substantial amount in their program. The credit card company will then goes out and file a judgment against you through the courts, in order to receive their money in more astronomically immense amounts, at a more expeditious pace. They can even put holds on your personal bank account to consummate, the payment of that judgment. You have not only paid the credit card company through your taxpayer dollars but you have additionally been swindled by the debt mitigation company which is possibly owned and operated by your credit card company. There might be some reputable debt palliation programs out there, so pray and do your research. Lamentably, there are more scams going on in this industry than ever. What a world of temerarious acquisitiveness which affects our lives circadian.

Home modification scams are more abundant than ever. Families struggle to make their mortgage payments after losing their jobs. Now scams are engendered to contact these people and charge those a thousand dollars or more. The scam artist claims they will contact your mortgage company and modify your mortgage. In the meantime, nothing is transpiring and they have accumulated all this money which could have been used to pay your mortgage. Recollect withal, that the domicile modification scam company will advise you not to pay your mortgage. Three months may pass and not only have you not auricularly discerned from the imprest modification scam company but now you receive a foreclosure notice. Afore you ken it there is so much interest and penalties that you cannot afford to pay the tardy payments and your habitation can be disoriented in foreclosure. The imprest modification scam company is nowhere to be found. You have just been scammed. This is another effect of acquisitiveness that perpetuates to sweep the country.

Greed is infectious and contaminates the world. It alienates the individual from family, friends and God. It is a selfish act that benefits only the acquisitive individual ephemerally. It does not have a heart or concern for the damage it causes. Recollect, "Whatever we sow, we shall reap." Why not focus your life on positive seeds that will reap love. Material things which are conventionally the focus of the acquisitive person will come and go. A prestige with man and God can give you gratify and sanction you to slumber at night. Muse on these words and live a blissful, good life without the negative effects of cupidity.

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