Thursday, 13 October 2016


Get-up-and-go of Man
The man has it as a compulsion to go down on the hills and valleys called life. As many moves, lots tiredly drop aside at the last slap of their strength, while the existing ones and others yet to come, continue the process. Life in individuals on this planet is indeed not permanent; it comes and goes, likewise every other thing and events.

In my accepted wisdom, a disclosure holds: 'observationally and hypothetically, if the man were destined to live up to 1000 years and above here on earth, he would for sure return to the stage that he started as a baby. That is to say, those stages he passed from birth to adulthood will be re-observed. Drop in character; eating manners, movement, speech, sight, reasoning, earshot and other activities, is always the case. From birth, he sits after few weeks, craws in some couple of months and walks as well. Again, learn to talk and at the same time grows in height and size. This is indeed in ascending order of a newborn baby as he grows, unlike an old man who goes in descending order, diminishes to perfectly complete the circle of life. In other words, a man may grow younger in all other perspectives of life, but in age - the most common phenomenon on earth.

In the nature of life like a flame in the windy setting, goes off suddenly when unable to withstand an overwhelming wide wind force and all efforts and expectations subside. Continuity is only left for the living that may or may not deem it fit, for sustainability. Wealth, no wealth... is never a concern and would never be cared for, yet many choose to blowout others even when it is known to affect all and sundry at the ripe time. Life is never a family heritage per say. Searchers of other peoples' souls go alike as planned against fellow beings
Whatever one does" comes back to him almost exactly, if not the same way he did. What is certain is that it must affect you in return. It should be established in minds that nature does not forget so easily of events and misdeeds. It must remind you in one-way or the other when due. You may call this process 'The Law of Retribution' as a wrath of natural justice certainly hammers. Death must come to all, as in the case of a sleeper who goes off suddenly and unknowingly without acknowledging the position of the body and soul because no one is the holder of his life. The death of a clean soul goes cleanly, not as a result of punishment. It has eluded some memories of the fact that one thing is permanent here on earth, where many assume a new dimension. Death stands the end and penalty for atrocities committed by individuals, which at times extend to descendants as well. It is just the unbeatable phenomenon of change. This, in turn, makes things veritably regulative and as such making adjustment possible. That is why good is good and should form a good deal of our daily deeds.

Religious leftovers
Religion - an age-long issue, is another area that as well captures interest. The crescent of religion is not a matter to be given much attention in this scenario, but in clear and correct reasoning, a thought on it is worthwhile since they live in 'bits and pieces.

The existing nature of religion is deemed a problem emanating from a total pretence - the charlatan. This leads to the fact that events that have the propensity to override the intended sweetness of this world created out of Holy strives of God-Almighty, cease to 'become paler'. They refused to fade away in spite of series of claims and proclamation so far heard and or read about the power to eliminate them. The ineffectuality to at least crop sin or crime to its barest minimum confirms the mere self-acclaimed God's call to enthrone light into the world by many.

Religion is meant to bring light that is, of course, acclaimed, to overshadow darkness in the world. To the greatest surprise, the world still harbours even the first generation transgressions in addition to new breeds. That is to say, evil; a dominant entity and one of the world's oldest phenomenon observe -growth as well, even without leaving behind, the old ones. 

The fact remains that, until now, there is gloom all over, and even right there in the source of the acclaimed light. These tend to avert the meaning as it exists in the mix of intimidation, greed, envy, brutality, nepotism, hypercriticism, discrimination, theft, slay, uncalled-for rivalry, restiveness, extra-marital engagement, curiosity for money, material wealth and power among others that has proved to come for a permanent stay.

In the scene of religion, it is observed that while some glow with bias flame of ardent ritualism, Islam is face-robed with fanaticism, and Christendom booms in a renewed atomic age where division seems limitless. Mushroom worship grounds spring with ease and different intentions that align to their founder's minds. In it, many take cover, and chant in preaching - a song that is always with a mimed-sound. A turning point is looming. A point when all would retard to merge as one with a reactivated faith, reinforcing one another at the end here on earth.

Factually, it must be disclosed that the most dominant source of societal crises and restiveness is religion. The slightest difference and difference found in accent, background, culture or tradition in the religions that dominates the world over, made impossible -understanding among humans. Despised are the inherent similarities of the human race as divorced also, is the superficial racial bond that now leaves the world with discord, bloodbath and hatred. It must sound very clear that our blood streams are red in colour, so no difference. Even the variation in skin colours, ascent, and or background (a climatic upshot, perhaps) can never make disparity in humanity.

In these brimming numbers of religion including lifestyles, is where all are allowed to make choice. The choice is the choice, as it could be what others hate, not a byproduct of intimidation or relegation for a change of willpower. Definitely, the reverse must be the case of what is best to you by some others; hence choice or decision-making among people is very personal and ought to be exercised with absolute liberty. It should also be borne in all that the life one lives; long or short, does not matter but how well he lives. It must that which could satisfy God and himself.

Hence, life is dreamt of treasures, gratifications, long last and indeed full of imaginations but unfortunately to human, most times different from those of the real world, after the dream. Unfortunately, the lifespan of man has dropped tremendously, owing to some circumstances besieging man, as such unfavourable for mankind and time counts mercilessly. At 30, one assumed he has made the average of age, and ready to face all that comes forth in the rest of the years ahead.

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