Below come offshoots of this poetry with regards to man and woman caress. The help and gifts better received by mothers (women) than fathers (men) from offspring or relation, as many ponder why.
Nature combines as match
In both, comes comfort
Child, an addition or procreation
Help to all but mum mostly
From birth, even in womb
Nature made a safe bosom
As the owner lives
Tenderness abounds in endless
Burden, worries of child is mothers
'Same is found in animals and others
And she cares, not until death
A breach of motherly caress
The feminine nature stands boldly
As she turns needy from he
A provider, dependable and defence
Even a man in receiving
They take in return
Nature says
A deal amidst man and woman
In ages, from and of ages
All takes the same shape
In the universe
Ever since the inception of man on earth, he has stuck to his natural responsibilities. He welcomes and accepts them normally, as such is looked up to for everything in the family, and society in general. Man naturally shoulders the task of catering for all in his custody, while that of woman termed a support. He assumes the position of a giver to women, children, family and society, not a receiver to an extent. The man mans the 'steering of survival ship5 of those under his care and it is asked for, if in shortcoming or forthcoming. As such, goes out and sort for livelihood for the progress of the dependent. If shirked or deviated from, he reasonably shoes and ponders over the 'loop of failure' for not upholding and satisfying them.
The word man is equated with powerfulness, perseverance, enduring, defender and provider and again, a leader, head and breadwinner. He is, in short, a pillar. He reasonably looks up on what to give especially to the opposite folk and upspring than receiving from them. Man if he at all looks up to those in the awning for anything, it should be in the area of loyalty, which tends to demand and necessary. Above all, he loves hailing and obedience. All times since the existence of man, and woman, women are rather gift receivers as subordinates, especially cash than men folk if both are together on a mission. Even if a man is given cash gift especially, a woman still takes it at the long run. The emphasis on cash is because of its position as purchasing power. It can provider others.
From time being, a woman has never deviated and will not, from their feminine nature. Their role is static. The 'who' in the woman makes her what she upholds. She is demand full, persistent, delicate and seductive as luring mind to concurrence for the fulfillment of the desire, is always targeted. The Vo', a short form of 'woo' as the qualities, is a star in her. It is ever shiny. Woo is understood as follows: Persuade (Change of somebody's mind as to win over for a desire), encourage (she tends to raise your spirit to a high standard, as good ones among them are good advisers and consolers too. When in trauma, one sometimes takes solace in the fact of their presence, as one can match the 'brightness of their presence with electric light'), entice (they put one under a spell, for attraction in between, as one who needs one another) and flatter (with the seductiveness, they talk sweet, and with the tongue and 'cast oil' in them, head runs 'bull over hills' for understanding) all these make a woman. The force in them is that of 'tete-a-tete', it is of the mouth and shape though natural.
Woman Glances through the edges for more, even when she has been given enough according to the provider's 'sense of right and wrong5 and power behind giving. More fashion she would care for, as many fashion styles that passers-by, tirelessly meet her taste. They are 'fashion conscious minded beings in an insatiable mood'. They are reliant on the opposite folk - the giver, even when they are getting theirs from personal sweat. To her, 'her own is her own and the potential provider's and or provider's own, is their own.
More so, they tend to 'speak more than they can hear'. At times they keep building and as well destroying. Tongue, their source of balance and strength as understood is what they stick to and all women have this same quality. All boards the same 'un capsizable boat'. Many are likened with one another, as such admiring and copying each other.
The relationship between child and mother is far stronger than that of child and father. In the fact of Biology, mother not father, mostly undertakes childbearing and rearing as such gets closer to the child than ever from the start. From pregnancy through breastfeeding and all through is tenderness. The child is meant to believe that her mother is closer and caring. That is why tender mother are considered friendly and not feared compared to the father. Whenever the baby expresses a feeling, even through cry, the mother concurs and sees that it is taken care of. Frankly speaking, the mother gets bugged of the child's predicament than a father. As a result, he or she knows the mother first before and then the father.
Psychologically speaking, the feeling of a baby right in the womb is that of total and assured protection. He or she finds the new world in the womb, where all including food and life is found. And whatever happens to the mother then, as well affects the baby (embryo or foetus) till he or she gets off. Resulting from this, he or she when out and grown takes delight to sticking to and caring for the mother, in reciprocal.
In physical and natural point of view, women are weaker and help needy and attractive. The attraction .acts more if the child is a male, while the daughter gets closer to the father but loves mother most. The negative never attract negative as illustrated by law of induction in physics, rather it attracts positive, visa nice. So, when coming up to age, more help is given to the mother than father, as the attraction and sympathy continually exist.
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